05 December 2006

"Say it! Say it!"

Words can't really begin to describe the love I have for Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip...Last night's episode was so wonderful! I love when I can get fully engrossed in a character and his or her development, and with this show, there's a whole cast of characters that I'm completely enamored with. If you haven't started watching this show, you're missing out. Head over to iTunes and start downloading.

Yesterday I left work early to get some financial aid stuff worked out. I'm very happy to report that everything has gone smoothly and I'll be taking Intermediate Algebra and Drawing I next semester. I did, unfortunately, discover that I have 55 hours left before getting my degree. At my current schedule, I take 12 hours a year (6 hours each spring & summer). This means in 4.5 years, I'll be done with my 2 year degree... Can I get a phooey? Phooey!

Needless to say, I'll be stepping things up a little and trying to take a summer course or two and maybe take 9 hours next fall. Anything to get finished a little quicker and move on to a different college and get myself one step closer to fulfilling my dream of working from home while taking care of my children-to-be-conceived-later.

After taking care of my school obligations, I headed to a nearby plaza and had a yummy mexican gumbo at Qdoba then wandered around Barnes & Noble. I have discovered many new crafty/arty projects that I'd like to work on, so look for photos in the near future as I try to up my creative time.

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