31 October 2006

I have a problem.

And the first step is admitting it.

I'm addicted to celeb gossip.


I don't expect great things from the pages that I visit. I do, however, expect the writers of these pages to have passed their 4th grade english class.

"A source tells TMZ that during the skit, "Bush" asked Babs if they could sing a solo together to which Streisand replied "How about "Enough is Enough?" (A reference to Babs' 70s disco duet with Donna Summer) At that point a disgruntled fan through ice at the 64-year-old diva. Barbra kept her cool, opted against using her now infamous retort of "Shut the F**k Up!," and simply said "It's ok, it's ok.""


Soniya said...

BTW, I've banned thesuperficial. Have you read all the comments lately? A week or so ago, a bunch of people decided it was incredibly funny to make fun of niggers, spics, and fags. Probably has nothing to do with the site owner but I just couldn't be a part of that shit anymore. Besides, the stuff on there is pretty much the same as TMZ and eOnline (now with daily fashion police!)

I <3 celeb gossip too...

NerdyArtist said...

I generally don't read the comments anymore. I did once and it made my eyes bleed. I'm surprised they can read and write, let alone use a computer.

I go for the photos. :)

TMZ is a good one. I don't visit eOnline (*yet*), but some other good ones are: betterthanyou.org and x17online. Oh, and I have to read my boys at Projectrungay on a regular basis... they rock my world.