An Executive List for an Executive Transvestite
1. It is Eddie Izzard Day!
2. There is a cute, squirmy infant strapped to my chest.
3. I'm listening to the Blast! Soundtrack. Love Simple Gifts and Appalachian Spring.
4. DMB is 8 days away.
5. Bestie Kim is awesome and moving to England. I am both excited and sad about this.
6. Rob is kicking ass on Operation: Rip All CDs owned.
7. Kiddo hasn't been sleeping 100% lately. I'm thinking it's either teething or a growth spurt/mental development time. Co-Sleeping has been the only thing that has been working.
8. I don't know what I'm going to wear to Eddie Izzard tonight.
9. Staying at home is awesome. I love it.
10. Picking strawberries on Tuesday. Looking forward to it very much.
11. This list goes all the way up to 11.